• Lifestyle

    Happy Wednesday!

    Hi There, I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday so far! I just wanted to do a quick check in with you and see how you are! So, how are you?! Just a quick update for you- So far today has been pretty good for me. It is overcast and cloudy out which for me is the perfect weather to relax and spend some extra time in your PJ’s. However, I am not in my pajamas and unfortunately, I am not at home either! Today’s work day is full and after work I’ve got a 30 minute training run to get done along with a to-do list as long…

  • Lifestyle

    Friday Feels!

    Hi There, I hope you all had an amazing week!  Mine has been crazy busy and felt like it lasted 3 weeks instead of the 5 days it has nearly been. Anyone else having an extra long week? Last night was date night. Damiean and I went decided to try Salad and Go for the first time. For me, I was very pleased with how fresh and tasty everything was. I think that Damiean was feeling that it was not a very substantial and not necessarily enough to keep him full. However, we did decide to indulge in some Menchie’s frozen yogurt afterward. Low carb German chocolate and a tiny…

  • Travel With Me

    California Weekend Recap- Manhattan Beach

    Hey Guys! I hope you are having a terrific Monday so far! So this weekend recap is a days late because I have been playing catch up since I got home! If you follow me on Instagram (which you should!), you know I spent a great weekend in California. I believe what they say, the first 5 days after the weekend are always the hardest! Today, I am back to work but sporting a new Disney mug in my office. Be sure to check out Instagram to find out which one I decided on out of the 50-100 choices I had in front of me! To give you a little…

  • Arizona Blogger

    Disney Daydreams…

    Happy Thursday! I don’t know about all of you, but I for some reason am having some major Disney daydreams today. One thing I am missing the most is the coffee. Starbucks itself is amazing and I do indulge here in Arizona. However, the cups in Disneyland and California Adventure just have that extra magic that makes them taste even better. Another thing I find myself missing is the feeling of relaxation. Whenever I am feeling stressed, my mind usually says things like hey…we should definitely go to Disneyland! Which is probably why it is one of my favorite places. Even though it is sometimes crowded, a crowded day in…