
Life Update: 4 Years of Business, Growing Kids, and New Adventures

As I sit down to write this, it’s hard to believe how quickly time has flown. October will mark four years since I embarked on the incredible journey of running my own Virtual Assistant business. It feels like just yesterday when I decided to take that leap of faith, driven by a desire to create something meaningful and flexible enough to allow me to spend time with my growing family.

Starting my own business was one of the most challenging yet rewarding decisions I’ve ever made. Over the past four years, I’ve learned so much—about business, about resilience, and most importantly, about myself. There have been late nights, early mornings, and countless lessons along the way. But each challenge has only made me stronger and more determined to succeed.

My little business, which started as an idea born out of necessity, has grown beyond what I initially imagined. What began as a small venture has blossomed into a thriving operation, helping others build their own dreams while I continue to build mine. I’ve had the privilege of working with incredible clients, learning from them just as much as they learn from me. And through it all, I’ve been able to maintain the flexibility to be there for my children, which has always been my top priority.

Speaking of children, they are growing up way too fast! Holly is now almost 2, and she is as adventurous and curious as ever. Watching her discover the world with wide-eyed wonder is one of the greatest joys of my life. She’s talking more each day, picking up new words and expressions, and her personality is truly beginning to shine. Whether it’s playing with her favorite toys or exploring new places, Holly is always on the move, reminding me to cherish every moment of her childhood.

Connor, on the other hand, just turned 4 in June! How is that even possible? It feels like only yesterday he was a tiny baby, and now he’s a lively, energetic little boy full of imagination and excitement. He absolutely LOVES monster trucks but is starting to show interest in other hobbies as well! Whether it’s building elaborate structures with his blocks, racing around the house pretending to be his favorite superhero, or getting lost in the stories we read together before bedtime. Connor’s curiosity and zest for life are truly infectious, and I can’t wait to see how he continues to grow and learn.

Balancing business, blogging, and motherhood is no small feat, but it’s a challenge I wouldn’t trade for anything. I’m so grateful for the flexibility my business provides, allowing me to be present for all the little moments that matter most. As I look ahead to the future, I’m excited about the new projects and opportunities that are on the horizon, both in business and in life.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey—whether you’re a client, a friend, or a fellow mom navigating the wild ride of entrepreneurship and parenthood. Your encouragement and support mean the world to me, and I’m excited to continue sharing this journey with you.

Here’s to many more years of growth, both in business and as a family, and to the adventures that await us all.

P.S.- I know I say this all the time but I am planning on you seeing more of me around here and on Instagram!!