Disney Tips and Tricks,  Disneyland

Top 9 Must-Pack Essentials For A Day At Disneyland With Kids

A successful Disneyland trip with kids starts with being prepared. Packing the right essentials can make all the difference between a smooth, enjoyable day and one filled with unnecessary stress.

Here’s a checklist of must-pack items to ensure you’re ready for anything Disneyland throws your way.

1. Stroller

  • Why It’s Essential: Even if your child is a good walker, a stroller is a lifesaver at Disneyland. It provides a place for your little one to rest, nap, or take a break from the excitement. It also gives you a convenient spot to store your gear, making it easier to navigate the park.
    • Tip- I love throwing an extra tote bag or two below the strollers to hold extra items when everyone goes on rides or we have to go through security.

2. Snacks and Drinks

  • Why It’s Essential: Keeping your kids fueled throughout the day is crucial to avoiding meltdowns. Pack a variety of easy-to-carry snacks like fruit snacks, granola bars, and crackers, along with refillable water bottles to stay hydrated. While Disneyland has plenty of dining options, having your own snacks on hand can save time and money.
    • Tip- I usually pre-pack snacks ahead of time and throw them in a bag so they are separated for each day and easy to grab.

3. Sunscreen and Hats

  • Why It’s Essential: Southern California sun can be intense, even in the cooler months. Protect your family’s skin by packing sunscreen with a high SPF and reapplying throughout the day. Don’t forget hats and sunglasses for added protection.

4. Portable Phone Charger

  • Why It’s Essential: Your phone will likely be doing double duty as a camera and navigation tool, so keeping it charged is important. A portable phone charger ensures you’ll always have enough battery to capture those magical moments and access the Disneyland app for wait times and mobile ordering.
    • Tip- Checkout my recent post about keeping your phone charged at Disneyland!

5. Extra Clothing

  • Why It’s Essential: Accidents happen, whether it’s a spilled drink, an unexpected rain shower, or a messy snack. Packing an extra set of clothes for your kids (and maybe even yourself) can save the day. Consider including a lightweight jacket for cooler evenings.
    • Tip- I rent a locker in the morning and keep 1-2 extra outfits for each kid in the locker as well as 1 in my bag. It helps save space and make my bag weigh a lot loss!

6. Hand Sanitizer and Wipes

  • Why It’s Essential: With all the touching of handrails, ride restraints, and other surfaces, having hand sanitizer and wipes readily available is a must. These essentials help keep your family clean and germ-free throughout the day.
    • I usually keep the tube of Handi-Wipes in the cup holder so we have easy access when wiping hands or tables.

7. Comfort Items

  • Why It’s Essential: Bring along comfort items like a favorite stuffed animal or blanket to help your child feel secure, especially during nap times or if they get a bit overwhelmed by the crowds and excitement.
    • Tip- Write your name and phone number on a label and stick it somewhere on the item if possible so if it gets lost they know who to call.

8. Autograph Book and Pen

  • Why It’s Essential: If your kids are excited about meeting their favorite Disney characters, don’t forget to pack an autograph book and pen. These make for great souvenirs and give your children something to look forward to during character meet-and-greets.
    • Tip- Amazon has a good selection. I see less and less autograph books at the parks!

9. Park Map and Itinerary

  • Why It’s Essential: While you can access maps and wait times via the Disneyland app, having a physical park map and a rough itinerary can be helpful, especially if your phone battery runs low. Planning your day in advance ensures you hit all the must-see attractions.
    • Tip- Maps can be found at entry gates and most cast members you see walking throughout the park will be able to provide you with a map if you ask.

Packing the right essentials for your Disneyland day can make all the difference in ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable experience with your kids. By being prepared with items like snacks, sunscreen, and extra clothing, you’ll be ready for anything and can focus on making magical memories with your family.