• Running

    It’s Half Marathon Season!

    Hey Everyone! I hope that you all are having a fantastic day so far. Today is such a weird day for me. I am not sure about you but a random day off in the middle of the week is totally throwing me off! However, off or not, I was still thankful for a day off! I spent most of yesterday hanging out with family, drinking coffee and binge watching Stranger Things Season 3. We made it through all but 2 episodes and I am excited to pick it back up on Saturday. Another plan for this weekend consists of a run! I’ve been keeping a secret from you guys….…

  • Race Reviews

    Wicked Half Marathon

    Happy Wednesday! We are finally half way through the week! Last night was date night number one for this week for Damiean and I. We try to set go out of our way to set aside at least one night per week that is dedicated to spending time with each other and either go out to dinner or cook dinner together at home. This one was spent out for a nice dinner and setting up some new decor I bought for the bedroom. Is anyone else loving the grey and white color scheme right now? I will be sure to show you some pictures soon. Date night number two for…

  • Arizona Blogger

    October Goals

    Hi There! This post is a little bit late going up but today was a long, busy day so we are just going to go with it! I am participating in the #last90days with Rachel Hollis currently and that has somewhat forced me ( in a good way) to focus on goals. Today was my follow up appointment with my doctor regarding the leg infection I’ve been dealing with. Luckily, it was good news and it looks like the infection is gone. For now I am dealing with the dry skin and finishing up the medication I was prescribed. That brings me to my first goal: Focusing on my health!…

  • Lifestyle

    Happy Wednesday!

    Hi There, I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday so far! I just wanted to do a quick check in with you and see how you are! So, how are you?! Just a quick update for you- So far today has been pretty good for me. It is overcast and cloudy out which for me is the perfect weather to relax and spend some extra time in your PJ’s. However, I am not in my pajamas and unfortunately, I am not at home either! Today’s work day is full and after work I’ve got a 30 minute training run to get done along with a to-do list as long…