Friday Feelings!
We made it to Friday!
I am always so happy when this day finally comes around because it means I finally get to relax a little bit over the weekend! Last night was date night number 2 for the week and Damiean and we enjoyed a double date night with my sister and her boyfriend watching the Coyotes Game at Talking Stick Arena. Tomorrow, my middle sister and I will be at the farmers market and Sunday will hopefully be another great day at the gym.
Speaking of the gym, I wanted to share with you an experience I had recently during my first yoga class in awhile. I didn’t tell you about this last week because I wanted to take some time to explore exactly why I was feeling the way I was and reacting the way that I did.
If you have ever taken a yoga class, you know that you get the opportunity to connect with yourself and become more aware of yourself and exactly how you are feeling.
For me, this was a moment of self relization. I am almost sad to admit that my job often makes me feel anxious and stressed to the point that I sometimes experience anxiety attacks that wake me from a dead sleep. Not a great way to live. While I cannot just up and quit my job, I am trying to be more mindful and aware of easing that stress and being in control of my emotions. One way I was hoping to aide in this was by going to a yoga class. A few years ago I was attending yoga/pilates twice a week and felt amazing.
While the class on Sunday did in fact make me feel less stressed and loose, I also felt all the feels while practicing! Within the first 5 minutes we were instructed to really get in touch with ourselves and be aware of how we were feeling.
I started to cry. I literally was wiping tears off my face and the realization hit me that the reason I ignore feelings and trudge through the stress of my days is because if I stop for a second I might start crying and not be able to stop. This kind of hit me like a bus and I set the intention that I was going to try harder to acknowledge feelings and deal with them as they come instead of pushing them away and choosing to ignore them.
How do you deal with stress?