Babes Who Create
Happy Thursday Everyone!
I hope that you are having a fantastic day so far!!
I have been absent from the blog for awhile and I apologize. Please know that while I have been away from the keyboard, you have not been out of my mind! I have a lot of ideas that I am excited to put into this space and share with you. Outside of the blog life has been….crazy and amazing but mostly crazy! I am some updates to share with you on that front soon but for now I am going to keep them a secret for a little while longer!
Today, I wanted to share with you about a community I am apart of that is absolutely AMAZING, Phoenix Babes Who Create.
I took a leap recently and decided to join this group after reading about the community and environment that they are striving to create for women in different cities throughout the United States. I could not be happier with my decision. I attended my first ever event last Saturday and met a few of these wonderful ladies in person, finally! Let me tell you, it was everything I hoped. As an adult you meet people but I think it is really hard to form a lasting connection of friendship because life is pulling you a million different directions. With this group I felt an instant connection with them because we are all focused on creating content in a variety of ways and sharing it on different platforms as well as offering you support and encouraging words.
Fun Fact: This company is truly by women for women. Need some proof? Babes Who Create is 100% women owned!
If you have considered joining before but wondered if it was right for you, I cannot stress enough that you are welcome and wanted here! If you are looking for a community to share your wonderful talents with, this is it!
If you are still on the fence, check us out! Visit:
Ready to take the leap and join us? Click Here!